Recipe 2

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photo by Nestle


Chocolate chip cookies are classics but with the right recipe they can become family treasures. I love chocolate chips-Gordan Ramsay Here is a chocolate chip cookie recipe that will bite its way into your heart. When I was a kid I used to bake these with my mom every weekend for dessert. I still have the memories of eating that first soft and sweet treat. As I grew up I made them for my roommates in college when we hosted get togethers. Now I'll make them for my kids' parties and potlucks. Whatever the reason, these cookies are perfect for any event.

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Chocolate Chip Cookies
1. preheat the oven to 375 degrees
2. combine all the flour baking soda and salt in bowl
3. In a bigger bowl beat both sugars, butter and the vanilla exract until its nice and creamy. Do this in a larger bowl.
4. add the eggs one at a time then slowly add in the dry mixture. stir in the nuts and chocolate pieces.
5. use a spoon to drop rounded batter pieces onto an ungreased baking sheet.
6. bake for 9-11 minutes and cool for 2 minutes

Servings: 36 prep time: 15 minutes