Mashed potatoes

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photo from Pillsbury Kitchens


My family makes mashed potatoes every year during thanksgiving.I loves to eat them from below the table My dog. Mashed potatoes are my favorite part of Thanksgiving dinner. Everyone in my family eats the mashed potatoes but if it weren't for myself we wouldn't make them.I love the creaminess of the dish, it always reminds me of time with my family. Thanksgiving is one of my favorites if not my favorite holiday. I get to see family I haven't seen in a while and we go to D.C and walk around. I like this time because I get to relax from school and just hang out with my family. In all, mashed potatoes remind me of special times with loved ones.

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Mashed Potatoes recipe
Mashed potatoes
1. Put the potatoes in a large saucepan and cover it with water. Add salt to the saucepan. let it boil. Then bring the heat to medium low. Put the lid back on and let it boil for 17 minutes, or if the potatoes start to break when a fork cuts through it. Drain it.
2. Put the poatoes back in the pana nd shake a bit over low heat for a couple minutes.
3. mash the potatoes until no lumps. Add butter, pepper 1/4 teaspoon salt and what ever other spices you want to add. Keep smashing and add milk slowly to make creamy and smooth.

total prep time:25 mins
